psychic connections at the metta centre samantha hamilton

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psychic how to

11. Life makeover

Waiting for the right man & woman

So many people loose their way in life because of the demands made on them. A lot of the time this is due to divorce being a single parent, unemployed where does this all come from. Is it the values we learn from our parents, peers. We learn to hide behind a mask on the search for the next big love of our life, expecting this to give us everything. The question is could you really care for someone and could they really care for you. Denial is one of the biggest stumbling blocks in a break down of one's life. Fear and rejection, guilt lack of self worth this is the package that the majority of society believe they can have a great love with all this baggage on their backs.

How different our we from each other on the following areas:

  • Why do people call psychics?
  • Why the psychic line is one of the biggest money making lines in the world?
  • Have you lost your faith in love and marriage
  • Do you need a life coach, shrink, psychologist or a psychic?
  • Do you put your love one on a pedestal?
  • How much do you want to let go of our past?
  • Do you really want to heal your life?
  • How much free will do we have over our destiny?
  • Are you allowing a psychic/therapist to control your life?
  • Do you believe bulimia, anorexia and manipulation is going to perceive you with the perfect image and gain you the perfect partner?

As a holistic life coach Samantha Hamilton aims to achieve peeling away spiritually and psychically the layers that have kept the individual away from their truth.

This can sometimes be very frustrating and painful for the client, as they hope to achieve this within 24 hours, given the fact they may be between the ages of 20 - 45 and the late 60's.

With all this karma and sabotage thinking Samantha aims to support and assist them back on their path by looking at their makeup, thinking patterns and behaviour this is done using, holistic life coaching and psychic insight in their past, present and future.

Taking a look at their individual characteristics, lifestyle, past relationships, negative and possitve habits, (strengths and weaknesses) home environment, job their self believes and attitude to change. Samantha believes self healing and transformation is the most successful and balanced way of achieving harmony and goals in ones life.

Whether we are from the upper or lower class we all have the same goals and problems in life, and that we truly want to find happiness.

When all said and done the buck starts with you - it is called self love.

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